New R script: Plot Nike+ runs

I’ve been playing around with R and Nike+ and thought I’d put the two together, so I wrote a little R script that pulls your public data from the Nike+ website and plot out the graphs. It’s a little rough around the edges (see below for a list of enhancements/fixes), but it generates plots. I like SlowGeek, but found their smoothing function a bit too “smooth” – it was shaving 1/2 mph from my run speeds. I wasn’t happy with that ;) Read more to get the source code, below.

Sample: Sample

For an example of what it might look like, you can see my plots.

Here’s the script:

# Version: August 9th, 2009

Author: John D. Lewis

License: GPL


basePath <- “c:/temp/” myUserID <- “9999999999” runID <- 0 xnew <- c() xold<-0 yx <- c() y <- c() x <- c()

Get the run data and store the graph in a PNG

saveRunGraph <- function(userID, runID) { cat(“processing graph “, runID, sep="")

xnum <- 0 xnew <- c() xold <- 0 runstart <- character() areasum <- 0

x<-numeric() cals <- 0

newURL <- paste(“”, runID, “&userID=”, userID, sep="") t<-xmlTreeParse(newURL) runstart <- xmlValue(xmlRoot(t)[[“sportsData”]][[“startTime”]]) times<-xmlSApply(xmlRoot(t)[[“sportsData”]][[“extendedDataList”]][[“extendedData”]], xmlValue)

cals<-as.numeric(xmlValue(xmlRoot(t)[[“sportsData”]][[“runSummary”]][[“calories”]])) cat(“cals = “, cals, sep="")

if (cals > 0) { y<-sapply(strsplit(times, split=”,"), function(xstring) { xnum<-as.numeric(xstring); xnew<-((xnum-xold)*(3600/5280)*100*3.2808399) xold<-xnum; return(xnew); } )

yx[[1]]<- 0 if (length(y) > 1) { for (i in 2:length(y)) { yx[[i]]<-(y[[i]]-y[[i-1]]); } }

x[1] = 0; for(i in 2:length(yx)) { x[i]<-x[i-1]+1/6; }

Calculate area under the line

for (i in 2:length(yx)) { areasum <- areasum + (5*(yx[i]+yx[i-1])) } cat(“areasum = “, areasum, sep="")  

pngfilename <- paste(“nike_run_”, userID, “_”, runID, “.png”, sep="") pngfilenamewithpath <- paste(basePath, pngfilename, sep="") png( filename=pngfilenamewithpath, bg=“white”, width = 800, height = 600 ) plot(x, yx, main=paste(runstart, " [Run “, runID, “]”, sep=""), sub=paste(“area = “, (areasum), sep=""), xlab=“Time”, ylab=“Speed (mph)”, col=“gray”)

Changing the f value to 1/20 results in smoother graphs, but misses the outerbounds

Changing the f value to 1/50 results in jagged graphs, but sticks to the source points more

lines(lowess(x,yx, f=1/25, iter=.45), col=“red”) grid() cat(“Done saving”, pngfilename, “\n”) return(pngfilename) } else { cat(“No calories burned, so skipping file.") return(“na”) } }

1. Get list of all runs from Nike+ website

runlistxml<-xmlTreeParse(paste(“”, myUserID, sep="")) runs<-(xmlRoot(runlistxml)[[“runList”]]) cat(“Generating graphs for “, length(runs), " runs\n\n”, sep="")

outputHTMLFilename <- paste(basePath, “runlist.html”, sep="") htmlfile <- file(outputHTMLFilename, “w”) cat("”, file=htmlfile)

2. Process each run individually

for (i in length(runs):1) { xnew <- numeric() xnum <- numeric() xold <- numeric() y <- numeric(6000) yx <- numeric() t <- c() times <- c()

run <- runs[[i]] runID <- xmlAttrs(run)[“id”] #cat(“Fetching graph for run “, runID, “\n”) filename <- saveRunGraph(myUserID, runID) cat("<IMG SRC=\"”, filename, “\">\n”, sep="”, file=htmlfile) }

cat("\n”, file=htmlfile) close(htmlfile) shell.exec(outputHTMLFilename)

Update (6/6/09):

Update (8/9/09):
